Young Professionals Advisory Council

Meghan Whalen

Membership Information:

Member Since: 2022

Contact Information:

Linkedin Profile:


Job Title: Senior Manager
Company: Dell Technologies


  • Direct to consuming marketing efforts



At Dell for 5.5 years, directly after MBA, has been on the same team the whole time. Started by managing banner ads, and have since grown into multiple roles, at one time managed full budget and media plan, and since manage all the team that puts out all marketing communications.

How Can You Give?

"Really loves opportunities with students. I love the idea of 1on1 and working with them and communication. I was super involved with Sherpa program (managed team of marketing Sherpas) in the MBA program. Helping them figure out what companies they wanted and navigated. Loves Resume reviews. Loves the idea of working 1on1 with students and navigate interview path."